Practice Areas

The premier legal expert serving clients in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and beyond. With over 22 years of experience in the legal profession.

Property Disputes

Advocate C. P. Sharma assists clients in resolving disputes related to property ownership,boundaries, easements, title defects, landlord-tenant disputes, and real estate transactions.Whether involves residential, commercial, or agricultural property, Advocate C. P. Sharma provides strategic counsel and advocacy to protect his clients' property rights. 

Contract Disputes

Advocate C. P. Sharma handles disputes arising from breach of contract, non-performance, misrepresentation, ambiguity, or other contractual issues.He meticulously analyzes contracts, negotiates settlements, and litigates onbehalf of his clients to enforce contractual rights or seekremedies for breach of contract.

Tort Claims

In cases involving personal injury, negligence, defamation, nuisance, or other tortious acts,Advocate C. P. Sharma advocates for his clients' rights to compensation and justice. He
conducts thorough investigations, gathers evidence, and presents compelling arguments to hold liable parties accountable for their wrongful actions.

Commercial Disputes

Advocate C. P. Sharma represents businesses, corporations, and individuals in disputes arising from commercial transactions, partnerships, corporate governance, shareholder disputes, and other commercial matters. He offers strategic advice and litigation services to protect his clients' interests and resolve commercial conflicts efficiently

Civil Rights Violations

Advocate C. P. Sharma stands up for individuals whose civil rights have been violated,including cases involving discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, police misconduct,and infringement of constitutional rights. He vigorously advocates for justice and seeks redressfor civil rights violations through legal recourse.

Insurance Claims

Advocate C. P. Sharma assists clients in navigating insurance claims disputes, includingdenial of coverage, bad faith claims, insurance fraud, and disputes with insurance companies.He fights to ensure his clients receive the full benefits and compensation they are entitled tounder their insurance policies.

Service Matters

Employment Disputes

Advocate C. P. Sharma assists clients in resolving disputes related to employment contracts, wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, workplace safety, and other employment-related issues. to employment disputes.

He advocates vigorously to protect the rights and interests
of his clients and seeks fair and just resolutions

Administrative Proceedings

Advocate C. P. Sharma represents clients in administrative proceedings before various government agencies, tribunals, and boards. He assists clients in navigating the complex administrative process, ensuring compliance with applicable laws proceedings.

and regulations, and advocating for favorable outcomes in matters such as licensing, permits, regulatory compliance, and disciplinary

Disciplinary Actions:

Advocate C. P. Sharma assists clients in navigating insurance claims disputes Advocate C. P. Sharma provides legal representation to individuals facing disciplinary
actions or proceedings initiated by their employers or 

rofessional licensing bodies. He
offers strategic advice, prepares defense strategies, and advocates on his behalf for thier clients.

Government Employment Matters

Advocate C. P. Sharma represents government employees in matters pertaining to recruitment, promotion, transfer, disciplinary proceedings, pension, benefits, and other
employment-related issues. 

He assists clients in navigating the complexities of government employment laws and regulations and advocates for their rights and

Private Sector Employment Matters

Advocate C. P. Sharma represents clients in administrative proceedings before various
government agencies, tribunals, and boards. He assists clients in navigating the complex
administrative process, 

ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and
advocating for favorable outcomes in matters such as licensing, permits, regulatory compliance, and disciplinary proceedings.

Other Civil Matters

Additionally, Advocate C. P. Sharma handles a wide range of other civil matters, including
probate and estate disputes, consumer protection cases, intellectual property disputes, and
more. With his comprehensive understanding of civil 

law and dedication to client advocacy,
Advocate C. P. Sharma provides effective legal solutions tailored to each client's unique needs
and circumstances.

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